NO V.A.T on all Digital PhotoBook and Albums

April 13, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Yawn: In the UK, HMRC has changed the VAT rating of finished photobooks and albums from standard (20%) to zero.

Woohoo: This means that, no matter where you are in the world, you could get products cheaper or make bigger margins!

What's happened?

Because of the result of a recent court case (reported in gloriously tedious detail by PrintWeek and nearly impenetrable legalese by the British and Irish Legal Information Institute), the UK's HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has changed the VAT rating of finished photobooks and albums from standard (20%) to zero.

What products are affected?

While the ruling specifically refers to photobooks, manufacturers have taken this to apply to any book-like product that's a finished item. So, fully printed photobooks and completed albums will most likely be affected; album supplies, products you assemble yourself, or albums with blank pages won't be affected, nor will albums where you can change or edit them after they're delivered, such as by replacing photos etc.

So Now all Wedding Albums are now have no VAT on them!!!!

Book your Album now and save 20% NOW.



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