Alice and Mathew Wedding

May 11, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Wedding at Bristol Zoo

Alice and Mathew

Bristol Zoo WeddingBristol Zoo Wedding Hello, everyone I hope you are all well and ok, sorry for the late post on the blog as I have been very busy with photographing and videoing wedding and my team have photographed and filmed 6 weddings in 10 days so been very busy etc.  Anyway, We photograph Alice and Matthew wedding back in April at Bristol Zoo myself and my team was very looking forward to photographing this wedding as it is a new wedding venue for us and we lovely to go to different wedding venues in south wales and england UK. The wedding was great and Alice and Mathew was a lovely couple to work with we started at the hotel were they was getting ready for the wedding down the road from the Zoo.

The Zoo was still open to the public put that was fine as we had around 2 hours of the Zoo to ourselves and that was the time I took much of our bride and groom portraits around the Zoo we did not go all around the Zoo as the animals was going to sleep etc. put earlier in the day did go into the the butterfly area on were Mathew hold a very big butterfly and we took some great images.

Anyway I have selected a few images from the day, I hope you enjoy viewing them thank you and have a great day.


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